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Archive for the category “Homework”

My 5 wishes

I’ve seen a lot of topics like these, not just online, but in conversations, and most of the time the wishes seem a bit unreasonable and impossible.

I’m going to lean towards more possible wishes/dreams.

1. Preserved health

A lot of people take this good for granted, and talk about it just as I am currently, yet they never put it on their wish list.

I may be perfectly healthy, so what’s the deal?

My reasoning is that I’ve seen far too many cases of people randomly getting permanent health-involving obstacles at some point in their lives. Even people who don’t have any bad family medical history.

So this made me very concerned, and I would like to put this first on my list.


2. A job involving IT and/or translation

People say if you have a job that you love, you don’t consider it as a job or as a synonym to troublesome, instead you don’t find it as a job at all.

Oh yeah, apart from that, this wish contains financial stability too.

3. Family

You don’t meet a lot of people who would like to stay alone druing their life, so this is quite a common wish.

I would like to find someone special and have 3 kids.

Unlike most people, I don’t really care if my kids are boys/girls, suprise me!

Also, dogs are automaticly included.


4. Moving to a better country

Sweeden, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, UK or to the United States.

I would really want to go to one of these places because they are a lot better, also it would give me the opportunity to put my language knowledge to use, or learn a new one!

125px-Flag_of_Germany.svg_normal 50px-Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg Sweden timthumb images dk_flag

5. Making some of my ideas come to life

I’ve only made some basic and very simple programs for now, but I have a lot of ideas that I didn’t see being made yet.

So I would want to see at least one of them come to life later on after I finish college and above.


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